Sunday, January 10, 2010

WTH!!!! How Malaysia Government done???

Today is quick sad day...
There are so many cases involve with church.
Why those people do this to church??

Is this because of the word Allah appear in those Christians' magazines??

Today it happens again!!

Two arson bids in Taiping, black paint hurled at Malacca church

The staircase leading to the Taiping church was slightly burned while the Molotov cocktail thrown into the school failed to explode.
They not only hurt church but also the school.
What else they need to do??
Why happen in those church?

There is the 6th attack including yesterday's 4 attack.

Those stupid people will do stupid things like that.

Hope that it will be settle down and will not happen again!!!

What 1 Malaysia???

1 comment:

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