Friday, March 27, 2009

Gotong-royong in college

Last Sat, my college organized an ''stupid'' activity during weekend!! Semua pelajar diminta berkumpul di padang pada pukul 7.15 pagi untuk taklimat akhir.....

At abt 9am, the activity start....every1 given sumthing 2 do and i.....playing wit leaves under a big tree.....wit my collegue!!!*laugh*

After tat,v start begun our 'job'....keep playing wit leaves and rubbish....*laugh*
so enjoy playing wit leaves....haha~~~

when gotong royong in prosessing,all of nyanyi sambil kerja.....enjoying doing 'mini concert' in kolej risda melaka.....


singing without microphone~~~but using wood stick....

after finish cleaning, every1 of us sitting under the tree and take a 'snake' 4 a while....

'snake' oso got pose de~~~haha

finally, gotong royong diakhiri dengan acara'mandi' kt bilik air......hahaha~~~~

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